Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
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Monkey Eye Surgery: First monkey cataract operation done in India

Monkey Cataract Surgery

We hear of people undergoing surgery, many complex surgeries of body parts are done. Eye surgery is very complicated and important in it. But we have always heard about human surgery, but once there was an amazing case of monkey eye surgery.

Lala Lajpatrai University of Haryana (LUVAS) has made great achievements in the field of animal medicine. A successful cataract surgery has been performed on a monkey injured due to electric shock at the animal hospital here. This is the first cataract surgery on a monkey in Haryana, said LUVAS.

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Head of Department of Animal Surgery and Radiology Dr. R. N. Chaudhary gave more information about this. Animal lover Munish, a resident of Hisar, brought the injured monkey to Luwas for treatment. After primary treatment of the wounds, the monkey was able to walk. But then they realized that the monkey could not see. So he was brought to the hospital for re-examination.

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When examined in the animal eye department, Dr. Priyanka Duggal was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes of the monkey. The glassy substance (vitreous) of one of them was also damaged. So the doctor operated on the other eye. The surgery was successful and now the monkey can see again.

Cataract is a common eye problem that causes complete or partial vision loss. But this successful surgery by Luwas doctors has given a new direction in animal treatment in Haryana.

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