Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
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The risk of hair drying is more during cold days.

Hair Care: Use 'this' to take care of hair in winter, hair will get benefits

Hair Care:

Now everywhere in the country in severe winter It has started. During winter days we take special care of skin and health. However, it is also important to take care of the hair during these days. Because, there is a risk of hair becoming more dry during cold days.

During cold days we use Vaseline petroleum jelly to moisturize the skin. Mineral oils, natural waxes are found in this petroleum jelly.

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But, apart from the skin, Vaseline is also beneficial for the hair. As Vaseline has moisture-locking properties, it is beneficial for the skin as well as the hair. So, you can include Vaseline in your haircare routine especially during winters.

How can you use Vaseline for hair care?

Hair gets deep conditioning The risk of hair drying is more during cold days. Therefore, it is important to give proper nutrition to the hair during these days. You can take help of Vaseline for this task.

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You can do a nice deep conditioning of your hair with the help of Vaseline. For this, moisten the hair a little first. Then, take some Vaseline on your hands and apply it to your scalp and hair.

After that, leave the hair like this for 30 minutes. After that, shampoo the hair to remove this Vaseline and then apply a conditioner.

A hair mask will act as a booster:

We use hair masks to keep our hair well hydrated during cold days. A hair mask provides good nourishment to the hair and helps to keep the hair hydrated.

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However, you can also use Vaseline as a hair mask. Vaseline works on the hair like a hair mask booster. For this, just mix some Vaseline in the hair mask. After that, apply this paste on your hair. Generally Wash your hair after 30 minutes.

How to Control hair frizziness:

Along with skin, hair also gets dry during cold days. As the hair dries out, it looks rough and dull. This also increases the rate of hair loss. Along with hair dryness, frizziness also increases. Hence, the problem of hair breakage arises.

In such a situation, you can take help of Vaseline to control frizziness of hair. Take some Vaseline on your hands, rub it on your palms. Then, gently apply Vaseline to your hair. This will make your hair soft and reduce frizziness

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