Slap therapy is becoming very popular, Slap therapy originated in Korea many years ago, to achieve beautiful skin.

Slap therapy involves gently slapping the skin with hands. Slapping the skin increases blood circulation. This makes the skin young and healthy. Many women do this therapy.

Benefits of slap therapy • A gentle pat on the face softens the skin. • Slap therapy on plumper skin opens the skin pores and reduces wrinkles.

• Slapping activates facial muscles and also increases blood flow. • Slap therapy improves the quality of your skin and makes the face more radiant.

• A cream, serum or oil applied to the skin with slap therapy is easily absorbed. • Slapping the face releases toxins from the skin. • Slapping with light hands relieves problems like pimples.

You can also do this therapy yourself and go to a salon or spa to get it done. Before doing this wash the face with plain water and then pat the face lightly.

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